Bank transfer
account name: ADVANCED MRI 2023, BAWAG PSK
Swift Address-BIC: BAWAATWW
IBAN-Code: AT57 6000 0000 7936 0063

A copy of the bank transfer must be attached to the registration form. Please make sure that your name is printed clearly on the bank transfer. All bank charges must be paid by sender.

Upon receipt of both a valid registration form and payment, a confirmation of registration will be sent. Please note that your signature on the registration form is mandatory. We advise you to bring your confirmation of registration and a copy of the bank transfer to the congress.

Confirmation - online participation
Upon receipt of both a valid registration form and payment, a confirmation of registration will be sent. Please note that your signature on the registration form is mandatory.

We must be notified of all cancellations in writing. Cancellations will be subject to the following conditions:

  • Cancellations up to March 1st 2023 full fee refund
  • Cancellations after March 1st 2023 no refunds can be made
  • Name changes requested before April 1st 2023 are accepted

Refunds will be processed after the congress closing date.

Contact us
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at